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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Carmelo Anthony Boxing !

Anthony, a longtime boxing fan, didn't get serious about it as a core training method until his wife, La La, introduced him to Ehikhamenor, a former pro boxer who now consults with celebrities, including Kelly Rowland, Angela Simmons, Tony Yayo and Curtis Martin. At first, Melo took up boxing simply to stay in shape, but then he started to intensify his involvement because he realized how much it developed different facets of his hoops game.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Defending Derrick Rose !

Noah took a question regarding how much pride he and his team feel being able to win without Rose while so many pundits count them out, and he went off on an emotional defense of his close friend.
"Derrick's a brother," Noah said. "And to see him go through this is tough, but at the end of the day it's really funny how quick people are to judge. But people don't know what it's like to lead a team, especially after you tore your ACL.
"If you tore your ACL and you have to be the starting point guard and have the expectations that Derrick has, then maybe you can judge, but everybody who hasn't been in that situation before should really shut up because I feel like it's just so unfair to him and to this team. We're fighting, and everybody's going to just diss somebody who's been giving so much to this organization. It's crazy to me."

Kevin Durant Nice Guy?

He wants you to believe he's a fierce competitor, rather than "just" a silky smooth shooter. He wants you to believe he's a cold-blooded killer on the court, rather than "just" a great, supportive teammate who does anything and everything he can to help the Oklahoma City Thunder win. He wants to be a champion, rather than a runner-up—No. 1 instead of No. 2

 Except, changing who you are and how you approach the game when you're already as great as Durant is won't necessarily have any effect on your place in the NBA's superstar hierarchy. Nor will it land you a place on the altar when you've already been bridesmaid to the Larry O'Brien Trophy.
People get it confused and think you have to be a jerk to win. But we all feed off positive energy. I’m a nice guy. I enjoy making people happy and brightening their day. That’s not me. The last few months I’ve calmed down and had more fun. We can still get on each other, but there’s another way.

That doesn't sound to you like a guy who's "not nice," does it? That doesn't sound like someone who should be making a conscious effort to look like a tough guy, does it?

And yet, Durant's on-court antics would suggest otherwise. He finished the regular season with 12 technical fouls (by far the most of his career) and earned his first ejection as a pro in 2012-13. He also garnered a $25,000 fine for this "menacing gesture" during the second quarter of the Thunder's 116-97 win over the Golden State Warriors on April 12:

I believe that that is a waste of time you already have so much poteinal why ruin your reputation because you want to be something your not. Be who you want to be dont care what other people say . You are your own person so be who you want to be.

NCAA Lawsuit !

Back in 2009, Ed O’Bannon filed a lawsuit against the NCAA that has, in the years since then, become the single-biggest assault on the way that the NCAA does business.

If you haven’t been paying attention to the case, the basics are as follows: O’Bannon won a title and a few player of the year awards with UCLA back in the mid-90s, but when he saw his likeness in an EA Sports video game in 2009, he realized that everyone was still profiting off of him and his athletic accomplishments in college except O’Bannon himself. So he filed a lawsuit, and since then it has grown into a case that could change the entire business model of college athletics.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fisher Fined $500K

Fisher's fine was the result of a play in the second quarter when both he and teammate Kevin Martin fell backward onto the floor to take a charge against Houston center Omer Asik. Asik was called for an offensive foul on the play.

What they did was called the act of flopping. Flopping is the act of pretending a foul has been committed in the hopes of fooling an official into blowing the whistle - has long been one of those "I know it when I see it" things. Unfortunately, it's much easier to see it and know it when watching an instant replay, usually in slow motion.

Fisher became the second player to be fined under the NBA's new rules against flopping in the postseason. Indiana's Jeff Pendergraph was fined on Sunday.

In the playoffs, the NBA is fining players $5,000 for their first flopping offense, $10,000 for the second offense, $15,000 for the third flop and $30,000 the fourth time.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Coach Takes money

This is the former coach of Ben McLemore who claims that he took money to steer this Kansas star into fame and fortune. Darius Cobb , the former coach  said that he has accepted two payments of 5,000 dollars in order to get Ben into the spotlight.

This is his response to what he has done: 'I want the media, KU Fans, and public to know University of Kansas, Head Coach Bill Self, nor any members of the Athletic Department had any knowledge or involvement,' Cobb said in an exact wording of his statement .Repeating what he said in the USA Today article, Cobb added: 'I don’t want to hurt the McLemore family, I want to protect the family. If there had to be a bad guy, if there had to be a fall guy, let it be me, as opposed to ruining a great kid who has busted his butt to get where he is. Let me be the crooked AAU coach. I was willing to take the brunt of it for the sake of this kid. I wanted to keep him pure.'

I dont understand this behavior. If you had faith in him that he would make then there would not be any problems now. Depending on where you are there comes a time when you must find out if this is right or wrong. But I believe that this coach definitely made the wrong decision. Many of the people today do not have faith young people. We need to change this and he needs to change what he did.

Remember When ?

Do you remember when Magic Johnson secret came out ? 

Magic Johnson is a retired American professional basketball player who played point guard for the Los Angeles Lakers of the NBA. Magic retired abruptly in 1991 after ancouncing that he had contracted HIV. 

During this time it raised theory that Johnson was gay because many of the people during this time that had HIV were usually homosexual. Now in the recent years Magic has been a consant spokesperson for HIV/AIDS. Recently he has spoken about contracting HIV , he says that this had happened because of  having sexual intercourse with multiple women.

Magic Johnson 20 year old son E.J. Johnson is gay. I guess the apple doesnt fall to far from the tree. 

Here is his idea of what he thinks about HIV (this was obtained by abcnews.com): 

"Here I am saying that it can happen to anybody, even me, Magic Johnson," he said at a packed news conference at the Forum in Inglewood, Calif. "I just want to say that I'm going to miss playing, and I will now become a spokesman for the HIV virus."

Now 53, Johnson has kept his promise through a foundation in his name that funds HIV education and prevention programs in some of the country's most vulnerable neighborhoods.

"There is not a better feeling than to touch somebody's life, than to impact it," he said in a statement to ABC News last week. "Not a better feeling in the world."

News About Jason Collins !

"No one wants to live in fear. I've always been scared of saying the wrong thing . I don't sleep well. I never have. But each time i tell another person, I feel stronger and sleep a little more soundly. It takes an enormous amount of energy to guard such a big secret. I've endured years of misery and gone to enormous lengths to live a lie. I was certain that my world would fall apart if anyone knew. And yet when I acknowledge my sexuality I felt whole for the first time." said Jason Collins.

Saying this , Jason Collins basically told the world that he was gay . To me gay people isnt bad but to me it is not good either. It is something that exist in the world today.  Though the many  controversy over the new laws and policy over the gay communnity it is very rare in the athletic and African American society to have homosexsual people. Though it can be dire to other peoples health (the people who are 'interacting with each other) it is a way of life and that is what they want to do. We should not criticize them for who they are.

Kobe Bryant and His movie

Recently Kobe Bryant is coming out with a movie. About his life and the developments from being a boy with a dream to becoming  a basketball phenomenon.In this movie it will feature the different celebrities he has met over the years and different places he has been in his life.

Personally I believe that this movie is not a very good idea. This is because many of these movies do not do very well in the shows or veiws. I believe it is a waste of time he already has a legacy what else do we have to add to it?

Friday, May 3, 2013

Nominees for NBA honor awards

 Every year  the NBA gives out awards to the most valuable players in the NBA also known as MVPs.This year the top MVPs are really remarkable. They contributed alot to their team, here are the nominees and their stats for this season.

 In fifth place for the top five MVP canidates is Rajon Rondo.Rajon plays for the Boston Celtics.This season he has proven to be their best player averaging 16.5 points each game.

Next in fourth place in the top five MVP canidates is Dwight Howard. Dwight plays for the Orlando Magic basketball team as # 12 and is center and can also play forward .Each game Howard contributes 17.7 points,15.3 rebounds, and 2.7 blocks per game.This is a tough race for who will win MVP.

Another person in the running for NBA most valuable player (MVP) is Carmelo Anthony. He plays for the New York Knicks and plays small forward. Also the stats for each game is 36 points. Therefore this made him become the first New York Knicks player to score 36 points per game in over 30 years. 

Another player who is in the running is LeBron James. He plays for the Miami Heat and is playing small forward. His jersey number is number 6.And these are the top MVP canidates